I am E. Elizabeth Hill. I have Alopecia Areata. I was diagnosed in 2016 and the year of 2017 changed my life forever. I lost the first man to ever love me in 2017, my dad. It still hurts as I write this bio. I am still grieving.
When I am not dealing with the struggles associated with having Alopecia Areata or fundraising for Mesothelioma Cancer which took my father from me, I am trying to live my best life. I work in government as a Community Liaison. I advocate for access and opportunities for communities of color. I enjoy mentoring young girls. I am a social advocate at the core.
My body, my dad’s passing, my mother’s ailments all lead me to put a laser focus on my health. My total body health-Mind, Body and Soul. I love working out. In fact the gym is my happy place. I know the bodies we truly desire are made in the kitchen so I strive to eat healthy. My faith is what has gotten me to this place. A place where I am willing to be completely transparent about my Joy After Alopecia Journey. Thank you for joining me. I hope you learn some things along the way.
Alopecia Areata Warrior